Thursday, July 12, 2012

Joe Paterno the Legend turned disgrace

Paul Vathis/Associated Press

Though the whole Jerry Sundusky scandal that turn Penn State in to a very un-happy valley I wanted to believe in Joe Pa. I wanted to think that he did the right thing and followed the right steps. I wanted him to be able to finish out the season the way a living legend should. I was shocked by his firing, shocked by his quick death, but now I'm even more shocked at his involvement. I've held back judgement on him as long as I could, waiting for the facts to come out, but now that these new facts are facts and I'm blown away in discuss.

If you haven't yet heard what the latest investigation revealed you can read about it here . To touch on it briefly Joe Paterno knew as far back 1998 and thought out the years helped in the cover up and failed to stop Jerry Sunducky from stealing the innocence away from more children. All for what? To avoid bad publicity!

Joe Paterno had the power to stop this, he had the power to save that innocence, but instead he tried to protected his self, his friends and the school. In doing that Joe Paterno and the Penn State powers to be created an environment that took no regard for safety of our most defenceless members of society. 

The history book where all set to write Joe Paterno as a legend, but now we know the truth. A truth hopefully others with his power will be able to learn from.

-Patrick Pierce
Follow me on Twitter @Patrickp13

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