Monday, April 23, 2012

Sarah Patterson deserves a statue!

In case you missed it over the weekend the Alabama Gymnastics team won there 6th National Championship and 2nd in a row. Does 6 National Titles sound familiar? It should, its the same number of championships that Paul "Bear" Bryant won in his time at Alabama.

Now I know that gymnastics and football mean two totally different things in the state of Alabama, but after back to back titles and her 6th overall something has to be done. Its time the University of Alabama put a statue of Sarah Patterson up and dedicated it to her six titles. It would make for a nice addition to the walkway of Coleman Coliseum (There's not anything else to celebrate for that building) then again how many years was it after the Bear won his 6th before they ever got a statue for him?

-Patrick Pierce
Follow me on Twitter @Patrickp13

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